Prepared by Maureen Klesmer, LCSW 2007
GCPS School Social Worker, Oakland Center, 770-513-6831
Lekotek of Georgia, Inc.
Lekotek is an agency that provides services to children with disabilities and their families. Diverse program services are provided to families throughout Georgia and the Southeast. Services include a toy-lending program, summer computer camp, computer loan programs, and support groups for moms, dads and siblings.
Lekotek’s main office is located at 1955 Cliff Valley Way, Suite 102, Atlanta. Telephone: 404-633-3430
AADD has a great website that lists resource and referral information for parents, including information about community agencies that provide services to individuals with developmental disabilities, recreation, parent education, and other meaningful opportunities for children and adults.
Attorneys With Experience in Estate Planning for Families with a Developmentally Disabled Beneficiary
Stephanie E. Ceto 678-297-1151
Ruthann P. Lacey 770-939-4616
Laurin M. McSwain 404-231-9331
James B. Outman 404-521-2100
David P. Pollan 404-223-6181
G. William Thackston, Jr. 404-806-7684
Gary Zweifel 404-870-9111
Autism/DD Family Support Funding
This funding is limited and available to families of children with Autism and PDD or Asperger’s Syndrome. An application must be completed and documentation provided in order to be considered for approval. This may be based on both disability and family income.
Services that are funded might include: Counseling, Dental, Respite, O.T. and Speech
Contact: Georgia Community Supports and Solutions 404-634-4222 for an application
Georgia Community Supports and Solutions
This agency has a department that coordinates respite care for families of children and adults with developmental disabilities.
Call 404-634-4222 for an application and information.
Benefits Navigator
This program works with individuals ages 14 – 18 in a School Work program, and individuals working age adults, ages 18 -65 who are applying for and/or receiving SSI, SSDI or both and who are or who may be considering work to better understand Federal and State work incentives and the interrelationship of these program when considering their options in reaching their vocational potential.
Trained Benefits Counselors work with people with disabilities who receive either SSI or SSDI based on a medical condition in their efforts to understand how benefits are effected by employment.
For more information, contact Sally Atwell or Curtis Rogers at 404-350-7589.
Children’s Medical Services
Children’s Medical Services (CMS) is a public health program providing medical care to low income children with specific handicapping conditions, from birth to age 21. CMS offers long-term care and therapy, along with case management services.
For information and referral, contact the Gwinnett Office at 770-339-9078.
Community Care/ SOURCE Programs
These programs are designed to help Medicaid eligible people who are functionally impaired and need medical attention to continue living in their homes and communities. They offer community-based care which include personal support services, in-home respite care, day care and supervision, and nursing services.
For additional information and to request services, please call the following numbers:
Community Care Intake Unit: 404-463-3244
SOURCE Program: 404-463-3248
The Deeming Waiver/Katie Beckett Waiver
This waiver program reduces the financial eligibility criteria for Medicaid. Families who have a disabled child with a chronic condition are eligible. The purpose of the waiver is to provide medical services for the child while helping the family care for their child at home.
Deidre Rondeno, DDS Atlanta 404-942-0086
Diane C. Kelly, DDS Suwanee 678-714-7336
Theodore Levitas, DDS Atlanta 404-255-5358
Karl Lugas, DDS Lawrenceville 770-995-3220
Pediatric Dentistry at Scottish Rite Atlanta 770-995-3220
Dr. Jill Lyew Lawrenceville 678-344-5511
Mark Thibeau Norcross 770-925-3300
Discount Diapers
Diaper Depot: Factory Outlet Stores
2655 N. Decatur Rd.
Decatur, GA (770) 638-3308
Diapers Discounted 1-877-677-8675
www.dmponline.com 1-800-654-3376 **
www.diapers4less.com 1-888-273-3112
FOCUS is a nonprofit organization that provides families with emotional, informational and physical support as a result of their children’s illness or disability.
The Fragile Kids Foundation is a nonprofit organization providing funds for the health and care of medically fragile children in their home. They will purchase equipment, supplies, and other things that will assist families with their child. Families must call and request an application to submit for consideration.
Friends of Disabled Adults and Children
FODAC maintains a warehouse of used home health care and adaptive equipment for children and adults with disabilities. They will loan equipment to families free of charge for as long as it is needed. Items include wheelchairs, hospital beds, bathroom equipment and other special need items.
https://www.fodac.org 770-491-9014/1-866-977-1204
4900 Lewis Road
Stone Mountain, GA 30083
Note: Medical items can be dropped off 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday or 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday at our thrift store which is located on the left side of our building.
Thrift Store Hours:
Monday-Friday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Georgia Learning Resource System
This is a resource library that provides information to parents and professionals about any and all aspects of special education and community resources. There’s a very extensive collection of library materials available for check-out as well as switch toys and other items of interest for students, parents and professionals.
GLRS is located at 2415-C North Druid Hills Road, Atlanta, GA. 678-676-2400
Grayson Athletic Association – Special Populations Program
This is a program for children and adults with disabilities. Its goal is to provide the chance to engage in recreational sports in a fun and relaxed environment, with the focus on abilities, rather than disabilities. All games are played at Bay Creek Park in Grayson on Friday or Saturday evenings. You do not have to live in Grayson to participate.
Contacts: Cathy Smith, Director 770-277-9647 and Michael Kohler 770-294-6462.
Hope House Children’s Respite Center
This is a facility that provides respite care on a daily and/or a 24-hour basis for medically fragile children.
Contact: Marjorie Peterson, 7225 Lester Road, Union City, GA 30291
Admission Requests – 770-969-8354
The Metro Regional Board
This is the State government agency that contracts to provide services to MH/DD/AD clients in Gwinnett, in addition to 9 other Metro counties. Services are provided in the following categories: residential, group home, in-home personal supports, day programs, supported employment, sheltered workshop, and respite care. The Metro Region maintains a planning list for clients who are requesting a Medicaid Waiver to fund these services.
To place an individual’s name on the Medicaid Waiver planning list, call MH/DD/AD Regional Office, for an application at 770-414-3052.
Parent-to-Parent of Georgia
This is an agency that provides information and emotional support to parents of children with a disability or illness. Their website is very informative and helpful. They have an extensive support network throughout the state and a database of resources for individuals and families.
PeachCare for Kids
PeachCare is a form of health insurance for families who don’t have private insurance or Medicaid for their children and who meet income eligibility guidelines. PeachCare costs approximately $7.50 per month per child.
Quality Care for Children
This is an agency that provides a telephone resource and referral service for parents looking for childcare. There is no fee for this service. They can recommend a variety of options. Hours are Monday – Friday 9 am – 4:30 pm
Spectrum is a Gwinnett County Autism Support Group established and run by parents. The group meets the first Thursday of every month from 7:00 until 8:30 PM at the Sugarloaf Community Church, 1401 Old Peachtree Road, Suwanee.
Call Claire Dees at 770-662-0004 for more information or visit their website at atl-spectrum.com. Childcare is available.
Supplemental Security Income
SSI is a federal program administered by the Social Security Administration. It provides monthly income to people who are elderly, blind, or disabled and who have financial need. If you are approved for SSI you will automatically be enrolled in the Medicaid program.
For more information and to make application, call the Social Security Administratin at 1-800-772-1213.
If you do not want to do this report online or you need help, you can call us toll-free at 1-800-772-1213. If you are deaf or hard-of-hearing, call our toll-free TTY number, 1-800-325-0778. Representatives are available Monday through Friday between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
United Cerebral Palsy After-School Program
This program provides care and supervision to intellectually disabled students after school until 6:00 pm, and on teacher workdays and during the summer months.
Program location is 882 Hi Hope Rd., Lawrenceville.
For more information, https://ucpga.org/programs-services/childrens-services/