These are notes I have taken in 2016 in the learning process for Corey’s seizures and have added through the years.
Legal Note: I am not responsible for anyone’s results, actions or medical outcomes, etc.
Research shows the entourage effect of the components of the plant work better all together. Discovered by Dr. Raphael Mechoulam, Israel dr., 1988 – improves absorbtion and minimizes side effects.
A plant cut too early can cause anxiety. Better to have a full grown female bud product. Female plant produces the flowers. Most medicine is in the flower (bud) and concentrated in the trichomes.
“No signs of toxicity or serious side effects have been observed following chronic administration of cannabidiol to healthy volunteers (Cunha et al., Pharmacology 21:175-185, 1980), even in large acute doses of 700 mg/day (Consroe et al., Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 40:701-708, 1991) ”
“The Scientist” a documentary on Dr. Mechoulam https://youtu.be/csbJnBKqwIw this is long but it is the Israel doctor who found cannibas scientifically and then studied it from history and in the lab. Named the endocannabinoid system. Interesting.
35 minutes = cancer/vomiting connection 37 min = entourage effect 40 min = bone development 47:23 = US research 53 min = can it cure cancer? 56 min = alzheimers 58 min = not toxic no overdose
Beneficial Side Effects – M Gedde
CBD = cannabidiol
Improved cognition & interactions
Better sleep and appetite
Better gut function – relief of chronic constipation
Improved immune resistance
Better muscle tone – improvements in both hypertonia & hypotonia
Better fine and gross motor control
Relief of anxiety of anxiety
Faster recovery after seizures; shorter, less severe seizures
THC-A = delta-9- tetrahydrocannabinolic acid
Improved alertness
Improved cognition
Improved language
Better sleep
* Ability to reduce or eliminate other AEDs and their adverse effects & toxicities
Adverse Effects of Cannabinoids Used by Cohort — M Gedde
CBD = cannabidiol
– At therapeutic doses: sleepiness, increased drooling that resolve
– Above optimal doses: excessive sleepiness, increased seizures or new seizure types
• THC-A = delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinolic acid
– At therapeutic doses: none
– Above optimal doses: excessive sleepiness, increased seizures or new seizure types
Dr. Margaret Geddes – http://www.geddewholehealth.com/geddeclinics/
8601 W. Cross Dr. #F5-183, Littleton, CO 80123 Phone & Fax: 877-237-8571
Quality Control: What Constitutes Clean, Safe & Effective Cannabis
Demand this – Ask these questions – Ask them of the company you buy your products from:
Step 1 Put in the bottle what you say is in the bottle.
Step 2. There shouldn’t be anything in the bottle that isn’t mentioned as being in the bottle
Step 3. Is your product independently tested?
Step 4. Is your product consistent and how do you ensure this?
#CannabisHealthSummit bit.ly/GF_CHS Joel Stanley – Creator of Charlotte’s Webb
3rd party labs necessary: HPLC test does not use heat. Heat affects the acids THC-a becomes THC / Gas Chromatographs GC – heats product and its actively changing compounds, not as good for accurate testing / HPLC (known as high performance liquid chromatography, high pressure liquid chromatography) is used to separate the phases of a solid or liquid analyte, regardless of its stability and volatility. Steep Hill is a very reputable lab.
Cannabinoid Profiles
THC, THC-A, THC-V, CBD, CBG, CBN, CBC & Terpenes
THC – high amount can affect diabetes, lower blood sugar, increase hunger, lethargy; no nausea, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-anxiety, neuroprotection, anti-spasm, anti-psychotic, balances out thc, anti-convulsion, pdsd ( overdose = perceived danger)
THC-A – Not psychoactive, but heat and time will convert it to thc. Anti inflammatory, modulate the immune system, measurable,
tetrahydrocannabinol acid (affects the THC, knowing levels of THC-a helps to get accurate measurement of THC)
THC-V – Tetrahydrocannabivarin, cannabinoid – low doses blocks the cb1 receptor(weight loss, decrease body fat, increase energy expenditure), high doses cb1 receptor binds to the receptor( ), psychedelic high, anticonvulsant,
CBD – cannabidiol, suppress inflammation, anticonvulsant, turns around THC negative effects, cancer cells kills itself when bound with CBD, high dose sleepiness, low dose alertive, protective property to damaged neurons, protect against brain injury, fights mrsa with topical application, not psychoactive,
CBG – stands for cannabigerol. This has no psychological effects on its own. Believed to be a “parent” to other cannabinoids.
CBN – causes sedation, IS a cannabinol, not to be confused with cannabidiol. Cannabinol is very similar to THC, but has less psychological effects. It is produced as THC breaks down within the medical marijuana plant. High cannabinol concentrations can produce undesirably strong head highs. Tends to be high in MM strains like Strawberry Haze, Blue Rhino which can be good for lowering eye pressure such as glaucoma, analgesic and anti-seizure.
CBC – stands for cannabichromene. It’s main action is to enhance the effects of THC. High levels will make a high THC mm strain much more potent.
Terpenes – These are just as important as CBD. helps counter THC, helps like CBD but readily available. Limonene helped a seizure patient
THCa – better absorbed or tolerated if given very diluted in coconut oil – 1 ml oil to 1 drop thca / start only 1 drop and wait 3-4 days then give 1 drop at a different time. (Golden Earth THCa 1oz bottle $110 2pack)
THCa turns into THC at 210-212 F and above. Cleans the receptors.
Cannabidiol binds to multiple receptors:
– Equilibrative nucleoside transporter
– G-protein-coupled receptor GPR55
– Transient receptor potential vallinoid type-I channel
– 5-HT 1a serotonin receptor
– Alpha-3 and alpha-1 glycine receptors
CBD cannaboids take 3 weeks to build up in the system… no changes for 3 weeks. Too high amount of CBD in system will cause seizures – new ones or increase old type. Can cause “ticks” if too much. However it does not last after you do reboot to right dose.
“Reboots” – Do if ongoing seizures increase (not breakthrough seizures). Go off for 48 hrs to 5 days. Start back at therapeutic dose or dose that worked before increase in seizures. Less if you are not sure of starting dose or if it was too high and increase to therapeutic level. Better to be lower than higher. – Dr. Dustin Sulak D.O. / Janel Ralph – If seizures come back within next 3 wks you know you overshot the therapeutic dose. Take away again for 48 hrs and start lower. Some start at half the starting dose. Geddes believes there is no honeymoon period and reboots are unnecessary if you do not overshoot the therapeutic dose. Raise slow, only 1 change at a time, and track all info. A bad day does not mean its not working. List triggers/ outside factors that are involved.
Whole plant starting dose = ½ mg CBD/kg of weight, increase every 3 wks at 1/3 of starting dose, HOLD when you see success. If increase in seizures after an increase your dose is too high. Remove for 24+ hrs depending on circumstances and do last successful dosing or do a full reboot to starting dose or half of starting dose, then increase slowly. Whole plant is different dosing than single element medicine.
CBD oil can increase the potency of pharmaceutical meds. Take blood tests or reduce meds after starting with doctor’s assistance.
Increase CBD oil at time of trigger, Ie. Hormones, full moon, storms. Parent Ex.: Increase slightly for 3 days surrounding full moon cycle. 25mg a day raises to 35-40mg around full moon then drop back down.
Dose-Response Curve:
Clinical experience suggests cannabinoids have a bell shaped dose response curve with respect to seizure control. 1/3 of patients experienced better seizure control after reducing cannabinoid.
Gedde – Clinical Experience with Cannabis in Pediatric Epilepsy
Diabetes and CBD / THC
Parent note: daughter takes 88:1 Cbd oil with a little thc oil for 1.5 yrs in CO. Off seizure meds and her diabetes meds were decreased. Others have said it stabilizes blood sugar levels. Israel did a study in the 1980s with mice and found it helped diabetes. Corey’s diabetes does not have an autoimmune cause and 11 months into this he has been able to go without meal insulin for 2 weeks now. We only give the lantus at night. I believe the cannibas is not only helping his seizures but healing his pancreas. The diabetes may have been caused by lamictal and depakoate taken together. (Found out it was a honeymoon period. After 2 years of diabetes, and taking CBD:thc I do not know if we see a difference in his diabetes. His numbers are up and down all the time but he is also 19yrs old and has been growing a lot. There are so many factors involved its hard to say. It has helped his seizures be reduced in number and decreased in intensity and length. 2017)
Types of Plant:
Sativa – Day use, higher level of THC, increased creativity, alertness, energy, uplifting effect
Indica – night use, higher level of CBD, appetite stimulant, relaxing effect, sleep aid, pain relief
Ruderalis – (Russia and Aghanistan. Not popular)
Strains: Medical MJ comes from 2 different species of marijuana – Indica or Sativa – or hybrids of the two.
… individuals whose systems are compromised by autoimmune disorders, cellular dysfunction, chronic inflammation, cancer cells, and various other illnesses can derive a wide range of health-promoting benefits simply by consuming CBDs. And one of the best ways to obtain CBDs is to juice raw marijuana leaves and buds, according to Dr. Courtney, who currently runs a clinic in Luxembourg that provides raw cannabis medicinal services to patients in need.
“CBD works on receptors, and as it turns out, we have cannabinoids in our bodies, endogenous cannabinoids, that turn out to be very effective at regulating immune functions, nerve functions, bone functions,” says Dr. Ethan Russo, a Seattle, Wash.-area physician who is also a senior advisor to GW Pharmaceuticals, a British drug company that is utilizing CBDs in a new marijuana mouth spray known as Sativex.
Will it work? Depends on pharmaceutical interactions, weight, strain, concentration, oil- thca and thc may also be needed. Everyone has a different amount of cb1 and cb2 receptors so it is not one size fits.
Humans have an endocannabinoid system consisting of cannabinoid receptors(CB1 and CB2), cannabinoids endogenous means they are made within our body, and enzymes that help metabolize the cannabinoids. Our endocannabinoids are in the “cannabinoid” family of compounds, but they are not identical to the various phytocannabinoids(plants).
Appetite: High CBD may cause low appetite but increasing THC will help to increase.
Terpenes available in essential oils:
Some are adding frankincense essential oil: Rub under nose, back of neck, feet… to stop seizures. http://www.doterratools.com/documents/Frankincense_Essential_Oil_Product_Information_Page.pdf
Some are using – Stillpoint, Young Living, Doterra Essentials with the CBD oil. Different for each child. Some also use it to replace Tylenol or cold medicine. For stuffed nose – lemon, lavender and peppermint in diffuser.
Understanding the Lab Report
When you see a lab report it can be helpful to know that 1 gram equals 1000 mg. So if the report says that the extract is 60% THC this would mean that it contains 600mg of THC. At x number of doses per gram you divide the mg of each active ingredient by the number of doses to get how much of it is in each dose. Doing it this way allows you to keep actual dosage consistent even when you switch from one vintage of extract to another.
Be sure that the percentage given is mg/g, NOT, the percentage it is of the cannabinoids present. If test is of 1 gram and total cannabinoids are 80% THC which is 40% of the sample is 50% of the cannabinoids present.
Just to be sure everyone is on the same page. If you’re taking an extract which contains 30mg/g of THC and you get a new extract which is 40% THC you get the same dose (30mg) by taking 1/4 less than you were.
Let’s say that the example is the 60% we used in those first two sentences. Let’s say that there are 15 grains (weight) in a gram. Now, let’s say the dosage you’ve worked up to is 5 grains.
Divide the .6 grams = 0.60 grams= 600 mG by the number of doses 600 mG /3 doses = 40 mG per grain 5 grains per dose = 200 mG per dose
Now let’s say you run out of that “vintage.” of extract and you get more. However, even though it’s got the same THC:CBD ratio the THC is 80% (800mG) instead of 60%. (600mG) You divide the bigger number (80%) by the smaller number (60%)80/60= 1 1/3 (1.333) This means that in order to get the same dosage you would use 1/3 less grains of extract. 4/3 =1 1/3 4- 1 1/3 = 2 2/3Where you were giving 4 grains you now give 2 2/3 grains for the same dose.
(My apologies that this does not have the reference. Did not put it in my original notes. If someone knows where this comes from I will repost correctly. Info was too important to leave out.)
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