This is a small list done by a few parents in the area. Hope you find something fun to do:)
To save money on some of the events below that cost a lot for membership or season pass consider asking family members to buy or chip in during birthdays or Christmas time instead of buying other gifts. It makes a lasting family gift for the whole year. Also going many times will reduce the final cost.
Taking the kids to the free /reduced movies in the summer.
https://www.regmovies.com/movies/summer-movie-express Tuesday and Thursday $1
When the kids were younger we would join the zoo or scitrek, stone mountain and then go monthly. It made it expensive up front but then we had a whole year to enjoy all of the activities.
Gwinnett has a lot of parks and we went to most of them when the kids were young. Gwinnett also has great pools. We would bring our own snacks and make a day of the the pool. https://www.gwinnettcounty.com/portal/gwinnett/Departments/CommunityServices/ParksandRecreation
Train Stores: Legacy Trains in Lilburn and TrainMaster in Buford across from the train tracks. We would spend a long time playing and watching the trains and using the train and playmobile tables and occasionally buy some new track or a train car.
Bass Proshop – There is a fish tank, a shooting gallery and rock climbing wall and lots of dead animals on the wall – like a zoo. The kids could climb on and off of the boats.
Smithsonain has a free day for associated museums in September. We went to the Train museum in Kennesaw and the Mountain also had a historic museum that we got into free on that date. Museum Day Live! on Saturday, September 22, 2018. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/museumday
Bowling – Stars and Strikes and Bowling Angels at Cumming Stars and Strikes offer special needs bowling dates with special pricing. http://www.starsandstrikes.com
Scouting was very hard, but a worth while bonding activity.
Families of Children Under Stress (FOCUS) is a great group with family outings to the zoo, six flags and the aquarium. Plus camps for kids and for family. Always well organized and affordable and fun! Great way to meet others. https://focus-ga.org
SPECTRUM autism support group offers camps and clubs that are at a reduced cost for children with autism. High teacher to student ratio makes these activities expensive, but Spectrum subsidizes 1/2 of the cost for parents. https://atl-spectrum.com
Gwinnett Heritage Center https://gwinnettehc.org
Special Olympics programs http://www.specialolympicsga.org
Redbox for movies – $1 each, reserve on computer and then pick up
High Museum, Fernbank and others free – http://promotions.bankofamerica.com/museums/ – 1st sat. of a complete weekend of the month, museums in program are free – each person must have a Bank of America card of some type.
TopSoccer – minimal charge – Fall/ Spring (age 7 – 18) Rabbit Hill Park
Upward Church Sports programs – non competitive and work with children with special needs to participate with the cheerleading, soccer or basketball (age kindergarten – 5th grade) http://www.upward.org
Gwinnett Libraries – events, programs, read books, use computers https://www.gwinnettpl.org/calendar/
VBS – Vacation Bible School, Hebron Baptist Church has a special needs program as do many other churches in the area. Even ask your own church for support or a buddy so your child can attend.
Lake Lanier Water Park – Initial cost is expensive but if you go every weekend it becomes inexpensive swim time, wave pool is sloped for access and Beach https://www.lanierislands.com/lanierworld/tickets
Stone Mountain Season pass – Use it a lot and it becomes cheap entertainment. https://www.stonemountainpark.com/Membership
Local mall events
FREE donuts at Krispy Kreme for every A on the report card up to 5 donuts of your choice and watch them being made. Bring in the report card.