This national organization has 24 hour person on call for help, local support groups, books and resources, mentoring, etc. It is designed for autism but many of us have similar issues and can utilize this great resource.
Come to a TACA Meeting!
TACA holds monthly meetings in many locations throughout the United States that feature educational speakers on important topics and allow family members to connect with one another and stay on top of the latest information in the autism world. ( Many of these topics relate to all disabilities and support groups are open to disabilities.)
Each TACA group maintains a resource library of the latest autism books and DVDs/CDs that can be checked out by members at no charge.
For a support group in your local area, see the website listed above.
Equal Participation:
Please contact TACA if you will require an accommodation to participate.
Join us on our TACA Georgia Facebook page! https://www.facebook.com/TACAGeorgia/